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A desktop app for dose rate calculations

Install and try with limited performance. You'll be up and running in minutes!

Like what you see? Obtain a free, time-limited license for full performance.

What is RadMap?

RadMap is a desktop application that simulates radiation transport in matter. RadMap allows you to calculate external dose inflicted by photons to a person in a customizable environment. RadMap uses a full Monte Carlo algorithm that runs on all cores of your computer in parallel to deliver the result as quickly as possible.

The RadMap workflow

Calculate dose in five easy steps:


What does the environment look like? The RadMap interface lets you build the environment by placing boxes, cylinders and tubes of different materials in a virtual world.
Do you need a special material? No problem. RadMap lets you design your own materials and compunds if you cannot find what you need among the hundreds of predefined materials in the RadMap materials data base.

2. Place sources

What parts of the environment are radioactive? Assign one or more of several hundreds of pre-defined radiactive isotopes to some of the building blocks of your environment. Set the activity of the sources in a suitable unit.

3. Place dose maps

In what parts of the environment would you like to know the dose rate? Place dosemaps in these locations. The dose map registers the flux of gamma radiation through these locations and converts the flux to dose rate.

4. Simulate!

Do you want a quick calculation with a rough estimate of the dose rates or do you want a slower more accurate calculation? Select the number of primary decays you wish to simulate.
The more decays the longer simulation but the better precision in the result. Hit the Simulate button!

5. Collect the results

The simulation is done! Browse through the dose maps and se the registered dose rate presented with the statistical uncertainty. Export the result as a PDF.


How do I get a time-limited license?

Through the RadMap interface you can generate an installation-specific file that you send to us. Follow the instructions in the user manual.

Why is the installer so large?

To accurately simulate radiation, RadMap requires information of a lage amount of particle interactions, material properties and radioactive sources. This data takes up a lot of space. The executables make up only a small fraction of the size.

Why is the installation path hardcoded to C:\RadMap?

The server needs read and write access to its installation folder and sub-folders. This is a simple way to achieve this. We also want to help our partners as quickly as possible with trouble shooting and bug-fixing. This is much easier if we know where to find the installation.


Don't hesitate to contact us through info@radmap.tech!